Saturday, August 12, 2006


Have just finished The Second Chair by John Lescroart, an author I very much enjoy, and will review it later in August Reading.

Currently reading: Into the Mist: When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer's Disease by Deborah Uetz with Dr. Anne Lindsay and Elder Rage-or-Take My Father...Please!: How to Survive Caring For Aging Parents by Jacqueline Marcell. Both have some excellent information and the second is decidedly humorous in a situation that requires you to keep some sense of humor. ."

My antidote is to keep my recently re-acquired Anne books and dose myself with L.M. Montgomery every once in awhile. And, of course, my mysteries and other purely escapist literature.


  1. I'm so jealous, all I get to read now are books for my classes. Grr. And I have such a stack of my own I want to get to...

  2. How well I remember. Fortunately, each time I read Hamlet, my students taught me something new. But I'm grateful to never have to read Madame Bovary again...that one was not the kind of trauma I enjoyed experiencing over and over, regardless of literary worth. :)

  3. Jenclair, are you caring for a parent with Alzheimer's?

  4. Is it your mother or father? It must be very challenging along with heavy tugs on the heart. I can't imagine. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
