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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Nancy Drew, the 60's version

Found these old Nancy Drew mysteries that I bought at a flea market a year or so ago. They were published in 1960 & 1961, so they are old, but not nearly as old as some. I'd love to have some of the really early ones. I used to be a big flea market visitor and shopper, but have not been very active in the last few years. Which is probably a good thing, since leaving without a purchase of some kind is a skill I've yet to master.

Watched Disc 3 of Firefly last night. :)


  1. I definitely remember the cover you display for the Mystery of the Lilac Inn! I think The Hidden Staircase was my first Nancy Drew read...

  2. Ah yes, those were the editions I spent my $ per week allownace on...every week...=-)

  3. $1 per week allowance...fat fingers...

  4. Jill - Do you know what happened to your copies? They may have ended up in a flea market somewhere.

    Quiltnbee - You must have had a nice collection, Debby. Where are yours now?

    Oh, I just found this on Amazon...interactive Nancy!

  5. I love Nancy Drew! The Mystery at the Lilac Inn was a favorite :) I've had some success finding Nancy Drew with the covers you show at Half Price Books (a chain used bookstore). I check there regularly. I haven't checked e-Bay yet, but I would be surprised if they don't have any. Maybe they would have some with the blue covers, too.

  6. My mom had some Nancy Drew from 1930s. I have a few of them and my cousin has a few of them. Most of mine are the ones I save from the 50s and 60s.

    I loved reading them.

  7. Ex Libris - Nancy sure had some fans, didn't she? I haven't checked e-Bay either, but will pay more attention when browsing flea markets.

    Janet - I'd love to see some of the olders covers. Those from the 50's and 60's are getting up there, but the 30's and 40's would be really cool.

  8. Jen, unfortunately they went to my niece and then I guess they went to Goodwill or some such place...Boy, I wish I had those and my Barbies she got, too, now...

  9. How neat!
    I just bought the first season Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew tv series on DVD. It's been fun watching those.

  10. Angela- something else to add to my Neflix que!

  11. Those are great! I love those Nancy Drew covers. I have a postcard set with a bunch of those covers and they are fantastic.

  12. Carl - Where did you get the postcard set? That does sound neat.
