Friday, February 02, 2007


Unusual bird house by a man who makes interesting bookshelves and bookcases. It reminds me of Roger Mifflin's painting all the books on his dog's kennel--the titles all had to do with dogs and many were made up. (The Haunted Bookshop by Morley)

Here is a list of The Modern Library's 100 Best Novels list. Actually, two lists, the board's list and the reader's list.

I've been sidelined with sinus woes for the last two days. Have read a little, but have mostly slept and whined, and slept. Much better now. Time to go to bed.


  1. Love the birdhouse! That's so creative.

    Feel better soon!

  2. Hope you continue to mend, JenClair. Sinuses are such interfering little gremlins.

  3. Very creative! Reminds me of some of the 'books as decoration' ideas in this month's Real Simple magazine.

  4. Wonderful birdhouse.

    "the early bird gets the 'bookworm" :)

  5. Love the website! Thanks for pointing me in his direction. Oh, I hope you feel better, too. I'm home with the virus we are all sharing in north fun. :(

  6. Thanks for the good thoughts, everyone; I'm feeling better.

    Isn't the birdhouse cute?

  7. Love it and I want one! Thank you for the link and hope you are feeling much better!

  8. Really cute birdhouse. So glad you are feeling better, Jenclair. I've been out of the loop for several days myself with the flu. Going to check out both the sites you have in this post. I always find interesting things on your blog. Thanks.

  9. iliana - I want one, too! Maybe we should built our own...

    cheya - Some people are so creative. Sorry you've been feeling down, too.
