Monday, May 07, 2007


An interesting review of The Road. He certainly has some good points...and I liked the book even if I questioned the Pulitzer.

And this article on the loss of book review sections in newspapers as opposed to the cuts in public funding to libraries....

These articles and more were found at Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind which, in turn, came by way of LitMinds.Org.


  1. Wow, I loved that article on book review sections. Thanks for putting up the link. I found myself nodding my head in agreement with her assessment of some of the stupid things people are saying/writing. Very entertaining.

  2. Thanks for the links! I really liked the article on book review sections, too. I'd much rather have libraries than newspaper book reviews...

    And thanks again for pointing me to, I'm really enjoying it.

  3. JenClair: I'd go for the "Great Minds Think Alike" line, but it's just so amazing that we would have picked up the same links today! The interview at LitMind blog and the link to Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind.

    The duplication was unintended but at least we are reading the same things.

  4. Carl - I'm glad you enjoyed it; I found so much of interest while visiting.

    G.R. - Yes, LitMinds keeps providing great information and links!

    Jill - Well, there you go! I like the fact that we both found them interesting enough to want to share them.

  5. I was gifted a copy of "The Road" recently and I immediately thought of you because I had seen a post on your blog regarding the Pulitzer. At the moment it's been loaned to a friend but the minute he returns it, I will have to give it a whirl.

  6. Lotus - It is always interesting to see someone else's take on a book. I did like The Road, but have to agree with some of the points made in the article.
