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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

In Progress

Our brains are so wonderful! So absolutely marvelous! I'm almost unable to put The Brain Changes Itself by Norman Doidge down. (Unfortunately, I have to because my husband has me painting my new sewing room--I'd planned to hire someone.)

Reading this book is as exciting as fiction and makes me feel the miraculous nature of who and what we are. The studies are endlessly fascinating; I have flags and notes all over the place, and I've read fewer than 100 pages.

Not only are the studies of the science involving, but the research and applications are so encouraging. What possibilities are available to those who have suffered traumatic brain injuries, strokes, for those who are dyslexic and have other learning disabilities, and to those of us who are free from the most serious problems, but who would like to think that our brains are capable of transformation!

I can't help but think of The Vigorous Mind, not only because Cummings discusses neuroplasticity, but because she offers so many options for learning and growing, for cross-training the brain, for developing diverse interests. I'm still pursuing the "curriculum" I developed for myself, and find that my reading is more rewarding and that my interests and curiosity have broadened.

One of my goals (besides reading more broadly :o) in my personal Vigorous Mind curriculum is to be more involved and participatory in some of the compassionate projects that online friends have organized. A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned the baby quilt I was working on for a service project that a quilting friend was doing for pregnant teens. She's in Texas, so I thought this cowboy applique was appropriate.
Don't forget that if you want a chance to win My Lady of Cleves, you need to comment on the previous post.


  1. I agree, the brain is such a fascinating organ. This sounds like a great book.

    I love the baby blanket. It'll be perfect for some lucky baby.

  2. LF - It sure reads fast because the information is so interesting!

    Thank - this quilt ran me in circles, and I had to take out a lot of stitching because I carelessly sewed a scrap to the back!

  3. Jenclair, THE BRAIN THAT CHANGES ITESELF was praised very highly at the end of last year by one of my book group members. She considered it her top read of 2008 and urged all of us to read it. Glad to hear you are enjoying it. I'll have to put it on my list for this year.

  4. The brain never ceases to amaze me. The book sounds excellent!

  5. Kay - I can see why she was so impressed! I'm loving it.

    Nymeth - It really is a fascinating read. I've been neglecting some other good books because it keeps calling me!
