Thursday, January 20, 2011

Book Parties and Wish Lists

I've discovered a new book blog that takes an original approach to book blogging.  ButteryBooks combines cooking and book reviews and gives party planning tips based on the books the book club reads.  Take a look at the suggestions for a Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities.  Decorations, music, menu, wine choices, discussion questions, and other resources.

Wouldn't it be a fun way to have a book club discussion?  Check out their post on Cowboys Never Cry and the Western themed party.  Or any of these!

I've plenty on my plate (or in the stacks) right now, but I've been adding to my TBR list with delighted abandon:

The Rescue Artist by Edward Dolnick (via Jenny'sBooks) -- NF-- an account of the theft and recovery of Edvard Munch's The Scream   and the efforts of Charley Hill of the Scotland Yard Art Squad.

Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal ( via Dorothy W.) -- described as a fable, it is about a man whose job as a waste paper compactor leads him to rescue books.

The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown (???) - I love Shakespeare and this novel featuring the three sisters Bianca, Cordelia, and Rosalind captures my interest from just the title, which conjures up images of Macbeth's encounter on the heath.


  1. JenClaire what a great think to pair books with parties and themes!!

  2. A neat concept and and a cool name. Buttery Books - sounds delicious!

  3. Sherri - if I could join a book club that gave parties like this, I'd be applying for membership right now!

    Lesley - I like the name, too. It makes my mouth water, and several of their recipes do the same. These women are having way too much fun!

  4. Thanks for posting about our site! We definitely have a lot of fun planning our book club parties!

  5. I'm so glad you put Too Loud a Solitude on your TBR list -- I hope you enjoy it!

  6. Lisa - I can imagine that every phase of your book club parties would be fun!

    Dorothy W. - It sounds like a novel that would resonate in this time of closing libaries and ebook/print books debates. I also have great affection for autodidacts!

  7. I'm hoping to start The Weird Sisters this weekend

  8. I've just discovered ButteryBooks too! I wish my book group would do that granted I wouldn't want to cook for the gatherings. I might end up poisoning someone which I guess would be fitting for my murder mystery group. haha.

    Hope you are enjoying your current reads. I love adding books to my list with delighted abandon :)

  9. bookmagic - Oh, good. I'm eager to hear more about this one!

    iliana - I think, it would be so much fun to plan, but executing would be more difficult. :) My cooking skills might not be needed, either!

    It is fun to have so many sources of good book recommendations to add to the list, and right now, I'm thoroughly enjoying my current reads!
