One thing I didn't like was Larson's imagining certain scenes with the killer and his victims. He addresses this in his notes, but imagining scenes in a nonfiction book annoys me. I'm glad I read it--I learned some things that will stay with me about the planning of a World Fair and the complications that ensue but I definitely prefer the altered style of Larson's The Splendid and the Vile about Churchill and the blitz. No imagined scenes in The Splendid and the Vile--all came from letters and personal accounts, and it read more smoothly and more quickly than The Devil in the White City.
Great cover and an intriguing premise. The Black and the White by Alis Hawkins has some historical interest and is well-written, but the "mystery" is a slow burn--even though the reader is quick to see who the murderer is. (Martin has all the information and still fails to let it penetrate or persuade him to admit it.)
Anyone interested in the Black Death might enjoy elements of the story that "sort of" coincide with the current pandemic, but as a mystery or thriller, it did not succeed for me.
Netgalley/Sapere Books
Historical Fiction. March 30, 2020. Print length: 370 pages.
Since first reading Navajo Autumn last year, I've read every book in this series. I have not reviewed all of them, but I have loved each one and was so excited that R. Allen Chappell had a new entry in the series!
In Falling Girl, Harley Ponyboy takes the lead and adjusts to changes in his circumstances in a purely Harley Ponyboy way! Harley adapts to his new situation(s) in ways humorous and expected, but also in ways that show growing maturity as he depends less on his friends to counteract the threat. His initiative is different from that of Charlie Yazzie or Thomas Begay, but effective.
I adore this series and the characters. If you have the opportunity, get the first book in this series of the Four Corners region of the Southwest and immerse yourself in the culture, characters, and plots because Chappell just keeps getting better!
Kindle Unlimited.
Melody mentioned how much she enjoyed In the Dark by Loreth Anne White a while back and sent me looking forWhite's books. So far I've read and enjoyed In the Dark, The Dark Lure, and The Dark Bones. Yes, I do want more. They are not great literature, they are fast-paced and gripping and keep my mind off the news. Fortunately, I will be able to read quite a few more. Free on Kindle Unlimited. Thanks, Melody. :)
I do my daily yoga sadhana. With the emphasis on breath, yoga gives a respite from the news and overthinking.
The constant rain without time for the ground to dry out has inhibited my ability to garden, but I fill the bird feeders daily. The birds don't seem to mind the rain, and I enjoy the daily squabbles over whose turn it is on the feeders. Doves are greedy and sometimes bully the smaller birds. The hawk that sat on the fence and frightened all the other birds away has not returned.
Stay safe.