Hannah Weybridge discovers the body of her best friend Liz, a dentist who has volunteered her services to the homeless. There is a strong possibility that one of Liz's unstable patients killed her, but Hannah wants to know why. She asks to cover the story for The News, the tabloid where she works as freelance on a retainer.
What initially appeared to be a motiveless crime by one of Liz's homeless patients begins to seem more sinister as more people connected to the clinic--or to the church that sponsored it--die. Hannah wonders about the secrets Liz kept from her and feeling alone, begins to question her relationship with DI Tom Jordan currently in New York on an assignment.
Things get really messy with secrets that threaten both Hannah and her daughter.
NetGalley/Urbane Publications
Mystery. May 11. Print version: 246 pages.

An elderly man is found murdered at his lakeside cabin.
Chief Commissioner Konstantin Duhnfort and his team investigate the murder, and while robbery may have been the motive, tying an elderly man to a radiator and leaving him to die of thirst seems excessively cruel.
As events unfold, Duhnfort refuses to take things at face-value. Robbery or murder? And just how complicated are the threads he begins to unravel?
The developing investigation reveals a dark and manipulative side to the deceased pediatrician. His influence on his three children still dominates their lives: the favored son and heir, the neglected and rebellious son, and the ignored and invisible daughter. Only Albert, the favored son, has ever gained any affection or praise from the father, and all of three still deal with the consequences of the man's controlling personality.
A complex tale of family dynamics, Dead Calm examines the effects of the narcissistic father (with some, if not all, of the traits of a sociopath) on his children . Outwardly charming and concerned about superficial respectability, Dr. Heckenroth inner darkness casts a long shadow.
While the murderer is easily recognized early on, the intricacies of the plot kept me engaged throughout. I hope for more translations of this series soon.
NetGalley/Bonnier Zaffire
Psychological Suspense/Police Procedural. May 18, 2017. Print length: 448 pages.