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Friday, January 05, 2007

More on the topic of Resolutions and Improvements

Here is a link to my post on Bayou Quilts about Ben Franklin's Virtues. I'm not making resolutions per se, but I do want to keep in mind certain aspects that I want to work on. The Uberlist is not a list of things I've resolved to do, but a list of things that need to be done or that I'd like to accomplish. Possibilities. I wrote that post on Dec. 30, and I have been working on it.

Kim at SkybelleArts has created a quilted fabric collage listing the Nine Noble Virtues. What a creative reminder!

About 1/4 of the way through Voltaire Almighty. France was certainly a tricky place in which to maneuver for someone like Voltaire. He's already been in the Bastille - twice. Not in the worst of circumstances, though, as someone less well-known may have been.


  1. I view my TBR list as a list of possibilites and not as a list that I must read. I like that idea of a uberlist.

  2. Cheya - :) None of need anything that makes us feel guilty, but most of us like to have some direction... I'll never read everything on the TBR list, but neither will I stop adding titles.
