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Friday, February 29, 2008

More Review Books and a Give-Away

More and more review books keep arriving from various publishers. I do love free books, but I'm beginning to have difficulty keeping up with all of them. These have all arrived within the last week.
I have finished Nameless Night and The Sonambulist and reviewed them (previous posts), but the rest are going to be stacked with all of the others that I've not yet gotten around to reading.

If you are interested in either of these books, leave a comment saying which one, and next Wednesday, I'll draw a name for Nameless Night and a name for The Sonambulist.


  1. The Sonambulist is actually on my TBR so this would be my choice. Thanks for the reviews, and good luck with those stacks. Wow.

    I look forward to seeing what you have to say about the Kim Harrison book. I've seen her name quite a lot lately, would love to hear what you think.

  2. Wow, good luck with the stack! I have 4 arc's in my tbr pile and I'm feeling the pressure already.

    If you don't mind mailing to Canada, I'd love to be entered for The Sonambulist.

  3. I'm intrigued by the Ford book so please add my name to that drawing. Thanks!
    I've heard good things about his other series as well but he's another I just haven't gotten around to.

  4. I had picked up the Somnambulist in Borders this evening wondering whether or not I'd like it. I too had noted the critical blurb on the back that likened it to Neil Gaiman. I know you said it didn't quite coalesce for you, so I put it back on the shelf. I'd be interested though!

  5. I'd be very interested in The Sonambulist - even if it's flawed, it's something I'd enjoy!

    thanks -


  6. Please don't add me to the list of people who'd like to obtain one of your copies, but I enjoyed both reviews. Quite a couple of piles you've got, there! I try to balance my review books with books off the shelves, but the ARCs can definitely become overwhelming, at times. Do you request all of those books or are they just sent to you by publicists or publishers hoping you'll review them?

  7. J.C. -- I wasn't familiar with Kim Harrison and am wondering if I should save it for Carl's R.I.P Challenge next fall. Nah, I'm not very good about waiting!

    Nicola - They do pile up, don't they? Wow, everyone is interested in The Sonambulist!

    Iliana -- Oh, good - one for the G.M. Ford! (I know you already have a copy of The Sonambulist)

    Jill -- You're definitely in for T.S., Jill.

    Teabird -- You, too, Melanie!

    Bookfool -- At first, publicists emailed asking if I'd be interested in some of their books; now, many just arrive from publishers who have already sent me books.

  8. ...Not to be unoriginal, but I'd love to have The Somnambulist. I think it's the title. That's a darn good word. :)

  9. I've acquired quite a few ARCs this past month or so, too. We get a lot at work and there are only a few of us who seem to want them!

    I'd be interested in reading In An Instant. Of course, who knows when I'd actually get around to reading it!!

  10. Got your comment, Jenclair! I'll be anxious to see what you think. I've been eying since it came out in hardcover!

  11. I guess you can add me to the list for the G.M. Ford book, NAMELESS NIGHT. Since I've read others of his, it would be interesting. I've starting getting quite a few arcs as well. Trying to keep up but I do have other things I want to read...

  12. I'm updating the names for T.S. and Nameless Night and will draw tomorrow night.

  13. I always think I want freebie books, but then I'll get a couple and then I have the pressure of getting them read and reviewed, so then I think I don't want to do this anymore. Then a while passes and the cycle begins once again! :) I have my name on the library list for the Somnabulist--so you can add my name to that pot. Thanks!

  14. Danielle - Having so many books on the TBR list already, we have to struggle to make room in our days for all of the books to be read! You are down for T.S.
