I'm currently reading Kept by D.J. Taylor. From the inside jacket flap: "Madness, Greed, Love, Obsession, Machiavellian Plotting, And a Great Train Robbery, In a Captivating Victorian Mystery About the Extreme and Curious Things Men Do to Get --and Keep--What They Want." I know a lot of you have read it, but I'm just now getting around to it.
Here are some of the other books awaiting my pleasure:

A Slave No More: Two Men Who Escaped to Freedomby David W. Blight and sent to me by the kind and thoughtful Anna Suknov with FSB Associates.

Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow's Big Changes by Mark J. Penn with E. Kinney Zalesne. Another Advanced Reader's Copy from the lovely Anna. I loved The Tipping Point and expect to enjoy this as well. From the jacket flap: "Mark Penn, the man who identified 'Soccer Moms' as a crucial constituency in President Clinton's 1996 reelection campaign, is known for his ability to detect relatively small patterns of behavior in our culture--microtrends that are wielding great influence on business, politics, and our personal lives."

Little, Big by John Crowley. Recommended by James Hynes in his article Genre Trouble via Maud Newton.

Darkness Falls by Kyle Mills. Another ARC from Lauren at Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc. Sam at Book Chase has reviewed this one and I was interested at the time, so when Lauren suggested it, I was all smiles. The novel is described as a page-turner, a "what-if" tale, and a compelling read about murder, terrorism, and a world-wide threat-- you can go to Sam's blog to read his review.
I'm also reading about 3 books on quilting...well, looking at the pictures and reading bits and pieces.
That doesn't cover the stack that awaits me, but that is certainly enough for tonight.