The book is so very long that even though I read with interest, when I'd put it down, I felt no great longing to return to it. I ended up reading several books even as I kept plugging away at this one.
The plot is strangely uncompelling, especially given the weird details like a dead goat that functions as conduit for...something, but still not clear what, an air chrysalis that produces...a doppleganger?, a weird cult, and a parallel world with two moons.
Curiosity about how all the strange events hung together and about a possible solution brought me back to the book.
Some disjointed thoughts about style and content:
-filler...paragraph after paragraph, detail after detail
-repetitions--characters repeat themselves, the author repeats himself; literally and in paraphrase
-lots of allusions to popular culture, music, and literature; mostly Western
-loose ends: his father, his mother/the nurse in cat town/the girl friend, the professor, Fuka-Eri, Janacek's Sinfonietta, Sagikake-its strange perverse rituals and its purpose
-such a strange landscape of a novel; vague, amorphous; dream-like
In the end, I found that loose ends remained. My curiosity--unsatisfied.
The novel is purported to be a love story, and I suppose it was. My final opinion hasn't gelled on any aspect of the novel. I didn't hate it. I didn't particularly like it. But I suspect that images from this novel will remain with me which, considering the books I've read that have totally evaporated from my mind whether I enjoyed them or not, is saying something.
Who else has read this? What do you think?
Fiction. I don't know how to classify this one. Alternate history? Dystopian? Magical Realism? 2011. 944 pages.