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Friday, September 25, 2020

On to the Weekend

Yesterday I spent better than an hour trying to get my Kindle working again (not counting the times when frustrated, I took breaks).  I have no idea what happened, but my blood pressure and anxiety were increasing by the minute.  

When e-readers first came out, I didn't want one.  However, before a lengthy trip, I knew I would need more books than I would want to pack and lug around. The Kindle was a perfect solution, and I was hooked--as many books as I could possibly want in one slim bit of tech.

I've taken it for granted.  Expecting it to be available with books ready to read any time I picked it up, I was frantic, considering an alcoholic binge.  I finally got it working again, and I'm so relieved.

World Postcard Day is Oct. 1, so I've been making Halloween postcards that will double-duty for WPD and Halloween.  It has been fun and messy.  

Comedy Wildlife Awards
"Social Distance, Please"
Petr Sochman


  1. I'm glad to hear you got your Kindle working again. It's such a horrible feeling when a Kindle stops working. I just recently had to get a new one because mine refused to stay charged. I tried all the "tips and tricks" to try to fix it but nothing worked.

    1. We don't realize how much we depend on our devices--until they don't work!

  2. Glad you got your Kindle working again. I haven't bought one yet, but I've been seriously thinking about it. And those Halloween postcards look amazing! You're so talented. :)

    1. I really love my Kindle; I have the large version that lets me get more on a page. :) Thanks, Lark--I'm having fun with the postcards!

  3. I have a Nook, but I very rarely use it. I still prefer "real" boks and until I've read all that are on my shelves, I doubt I'll do much in the way of e-reading. I wonder what was wrong with your Kindle. We rely on technology so much, it's easy to get frustrated when our devices don't behave! I'm glad you got it back up and running.

    1. The only books on my shelves are those I've read, and I don't keep much fiction. My shelves are for those books I reread and are mostly yoga, garden, lit. crit., psychology, etc. If I like a nonfiction on my Kindle, I order the book so I can highlight and refer to it again. :)

  4. Ouch...that Elton John pun...have to admit, though that it made me laugh.

    I was a reluctant convert to e-reading back when I was still traveling for work so much, and now about one-third of my reading is via my Kindle Oasis. It will probably turn out to be more than one-third this year because so many of my library books have gone directly to Kindle because of the virus.

    I find an e-book kind of like traveling by GPS rather than a paper-map...half the time I'm not really sure where I am.

    1. I didn't believe I would switch so completely, but most of the fiction I read is not important enough to want to keep the book. The Kindle also allows me to enlarge the print, which I started doing last year and love. :)

  5. I'm so happy your Kindle is working again. Technology sure can lead to frustration --blogger changes is my hot button! Seriously, happy you got your Kindle working. My paperwhite is about 8 years old now (fingers crossed it holds out). I read about 25% Kindle 25% print and 50% audios these days I'd guess.

    1. I find the "new blogger" much less user-friendly! I see no advantages and plenty of disadvantages. :{ I still prefer reading to listening, but there are times when audio is the perfect option. I like having both available!

  6. Glad your Kindle is working again. I know how frustrating it can be especially if we are reading more from e-reader devices. I've a Kindle but rarely use it. I'll usually purchase an e-copy if the book out of print or hard to find. I still prefer a print copy, although it's always good to have a Kindle for trips. That said, I still love my Kindle. :)

    1. I love a print copy of some books, especially those I want to read or refer to again. On the other hand, most of the mysteries I read are great for the Kindle. For trips, you just can't beat an e-reader!

  7. So glad you persevered and got your Kindle working again. I have the Kindle app on my phone, so I can always turn to that should the worst happen. Come to think of it, it would be "worst" because 85% of my reading is on my Kindle now with the rest being physical books.

    1. Most of my reading is on my Kindle, but I do have stacks of physical books by my reading chair and on my nightstand. :)

  8. My kindle went out after about six years on Thursday last. I did not sleep a wink that night as I thought about my photographs, my 58 books etc etc. I could only get it to a shop on Monday and talk about anxiety. Fortunately it was a casing that had to be replaced (where you put in the charger which had got mis aligned) was just grateful I got away with a smaller charge. I did not realize the depths of my addiction.

    1. I feel your pain! :) I didn't realized the depth of my addiction, either!

  9. Oh, I totally understand your frustration when your Kindle was not working. I'm on #3 of Kindles and most of my reading is done on it. I've upgraded as time has gone by and passed the other two on to family members for them to use. I love the ability to make the font bigger and also have no many books at hand. Books are my only hobby and so I don't feel too bad about spending money there, though I do use the library often. Probably 50% of my reading is by audio and I'm not sure I would have ever expected that. Anyway, aside from the e-reading, love the 'social distancing' birds and also your special postcards! Have a good weekend!

    1. There are a lot of advantages. I love my over-sized Kindle and the books that I have loaded up (in case of emergency!). My library is excellent, but I'm using it less and less. I'm browsing book sites instead of shelves most of the time. :)

  10. It took me a while to come around to a Kindle. I did get an ereader many years ago but it died along meaning I lost the contents as well.

    1. Ugh, losing content! At least with a Kindle, all your content is on Amazon and can be reloaded on a new device.

  11. I have the Fire in the larger size. I thought I'd do like your husband and watch shows on it, but I really don't do it very often. It is the size that I like most :)

  12. I hear you on your kindle frustrations and fear — not having my books at my fingertips would freak me out too!

    1. It really did freak me out! Even after I wrote this post, I was still worrying.

  13. Your postcards look so amazing! I need to get started on some Halloween cards. I bought some new paper (as if I needed any) which is really cute. Glad you got your Kindle working again. I'm on #2 because I upgraded a couple of years ago. I really love having one for trips and reading at night. I typically stay up later than my husband so the backlight on the kindle doesn't bother him.
