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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Distracted by Fabric

I've read 2 more Lee Child novels and one by Jeffrey Deaver that I need to review.  Have several more in progress, but I'm still spending more time in my studio than reading right now. 

Sometimes I go weeks and months without doing much sewing or creating, then a spurt of activity.  I've even curtailed my yoga lately, but I'm having so much fun making crowns and hair clips and Easter embroideries!  Now that The Triad has figured out how to open doors (I blame Stinker, the smallest of the bunch, for that), I have to be much more careful. 

I want to participate in Carl's annual Once Upon a Time Challenge, but haven't signed up yet.  I take that back, I just signed up when I went to get the lovely button.

Now, I have to choose some books, but I have a few in mind.  Who doesn't love fantasy, fairy tales, myth, and folklore?

Time to move on from mystery, suspense, thrillers, and crime novels for a while.


  1. save them for Carl's RIP challenge! can't wait for all the reviews!

  2. I look forward to seeing what you'll be reading :)

  3. deslily - I actually have a couple of items on hand for Once Upon a Time and will get to those first. I do need to keep the RIP in mind!

    Nymeth - Looking to see what everyone else is reading is half the fun. Maybe more than half! I go through the lists writing down titles. :)

  4. I'm considering this challenge. Stinker sounds like a hoot (but a bit of a problem child). Our new gal, Fiona, is still quite small but she's leggy and has already tried to open cabinet doors. I don't doubt she'll succeed, someday.

  5. bookfool - I love fantasy, so I always use this challenge as an excuse to read more, even if I don't always keep up with the linking.

    Fiona sounds like she is going to quite the character!

  6. You should definitely take advantage of your creative mood when it strikes. :-)

    I wish you luck with this challenge! I look forward to seeing what you decide to read.

  7. LF - I know. Like reading, my creative moods come in cycles--here and gone, again.

    I'm having fun making crowns at the moment.
